Join me on a “multilingo” journey

“Am I doing this right?”, “Why is my child like this?”, “What can I do?”…
Do these questions sound familiar?

Parenting comes with a lot of questions and raising children is a melt pot of emotions.
One minute you’re dancing because your kid managed to spell “love” but then you’re in the dumps and worried sick whether she will even grasp the concept of multiplication….
And if you throw multiple cultures into the mix… Well let’s get ready to lingo limbo baby!
Because the questions keep multiplying! lol

“Will my child ever speak my language?”, “Will she identify herself with her heritage?”,
“Their child can speak 2 languages perfectly… Why is mine still struggling?”,
“Where can I go to find info? What are other parents doing? Do they feel the same?”.

Despite being a multicultural person myself (Turkish-Japanese born in UK…), these are questions I frequently ask myself while bringing up my 2 children… Perhaps it’s the same for you too?
So welcome to my journey of being raised as a multicultural child and also raising multicultural children.

I sincerely hope you will find glee in finding others like yourself through this site as well as useful information or hints for you to apply in your journey of “multilingo parenting“.